[耶稣受难记 中文电影]英语电影推荐:耶稣受难记

励志电影 2021-07-26 12:09:35 励志电影
[摘要]:下面我们一起看看这篇《耶稣受难记》。The Holy Week is a great time for rest and recreation with many offices and schoo



  The Holy Week is a great time for rest and recreation with many offices and schools closed. And the question everyone has on their minds is this: "What can I do with all that free time?"


  Some might consider hitting the beach, going on a road trip or even spending some time with loved ones back home. All of these are great, but I hope we also don't forget the true essence of the Holy Week which is to remember Jesus and His finished work on the cross and through the emptied grave.


  I hope we don't leave out the true essence and the greatest source of that message - the Bible. However, that doesn't mean we can't experience Christ's work through other media. Movies can also be a great way to remember Christ's finished work.


  There are some great movies that can help us experience the true message of the Holy Week which is no other than Jesus and what He has done for us. Here is a great movies for you and your family to watch this easter to do that.


  The Passion of The Christ


  Mel Gibson's take of the story of Christ's passion follows the last twelve hours after Jesus' death on the cross. It's been marked by critics and film institutions not just for its technical success but even for the powerful message it shares to both skeptic and believer. "The Passion of The Christ" is a great way to vividly get a picture of what Jesus had to go through for us all because of His love for us.





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