英语短文300字左右|英语短文300字Stuck in Traffic堵车

英语学习方法 2015-08-12 00:34:54 英语学习方法
[摘要]Stuck in Traffic堵车It was a Saturday afternoon Tonight was a big night for Mike and Maria who were


  Stuck in Traffic堵车

  It was a Saturday afternoon. Tonight was a big night for Mike and Maria who were at home getting ready to go out. They had been invited on a double date with another couple. Mike and Maria had never been on a double date but were excited to do it. The date was to take place at a restaurant somewhere in downtown. Just a half hour drive, the restaurant wasn"t located too far from home.


  Mike put on his nicest shirt and pants. Maria dressed in a navy blue dress. "How do I look? She eagerly asked Mike. "You look like a million dollars," mike replied with a smile. It had been three years since Mike first fell in love with Maria. His love for her was still as apparent as ever. Maria"s love for Mike was also unchanged. The two left within the hour and met with the other couple at the restaurant.


  It was a pleasant affair filled with laughter and joy. Each couple took turns telling their funny relationship stories to each other. Mike told of the time Maria got locked out of the apartment and had to jump in through the window to get inside, breaking a vase in the process. Maria then shared the time when Mike fell out of bed while sleeping.


  After an hour or so, the date ended. Mike and Maria said goodbye to their friends and went on their way back home. Mike entered the freeway and was surprise when he ran into traffic. Fifteen minutes later Mike had hardly moved at all from where he was in his car. The traffic ahead seemed like it stretched for miles. Mike and Maria where stuck in traffic.


英语短文300字Stuck in Traffic堵车


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