
英语音标 2021-06-03 18:10:08 英语音标
[摘要]绕口令短小精干,语言幽默,十分拗口。多读一些绕口令,你可以从中得到一些乐趣。下面是小编整理的英语th发音绕口令,欢迎大家阅读。英语th发音绕口令摘抄·Thin sticks, thick




  ·Thin sticks, thick bricks.

  ·Three thrice-freed thieves.

  ·Faithless, ruthless and worthless.

  ·Three thrushes thrilled them.

  ·They thanked them thoroughly.

  ·Three Scotch thistles in the thicket.

  ·Thelma saw thistles in the thick thatch.

  ·A thin little boy picked six thick thistle sticks.

  ·Then the thankless theologian thawed thoroughly.

  ·Neither my mother nor my father likes this weather.

  ·His father and mother visited my brother with Arther.

  ·Three sick thrushes sang thirty-six thrilling songs.

  ·Through thicket and bush the thirty thirsty Thracians thrust.

  ·Thus the thug threatened the thoroughly thoughtful theologian.

  ·Do they think this method is mathematically thoughtful?

  ·They ran hither and thither as though they were frightened.


  ·There are thirty thousand feathers an the thrush’s throat.

  ·Three throbbing thumping thrush thoroughly thwarting thrashers.

  ·Two thirsty thatches thoughtfully thatched a thrush’s nest-such a thank-less task!

  ·I buy my suits from Theophilus Thictlethwaite , the tailor at thirty-three South Twelfth Street. ·The author’s enthusiasm for the theory runs through the whole thick book.

  ·These bathers are breathing through their mouths.

  Smooth breathing is rather soothing.

  ·He had nothing but a farthing, and a farthing wasn’t worth anything, even in those days. ·They think that these things are better than those.

  ·As the thicker things are better than thin things.

  ·I can think of six thin things. Six thin things, can you?

  Yes, I can think of six thin things and of six thick things, too!


  ·I thought a thought. But the thought I thought wasn’t the thought I thought I thought. If the thought I thought had been the thought I thought I wouldn’t have thought so much.

  ·A thatcher of Thatchwood went to Thatchet a-thatching.

  Did a thatcher of Thatchwood go to Thatchet a-thatching? If a thatcher of Thatchwood went to Thatchet a-thatching, where’s the thatching the thatcher of Thatchwood has thatched?

  ·On two thousand acres, too tangled for tilling,

  Where thousand of thorn trees grew thrifty and thrilling,








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