
励志文章 2021-11-07 18:09:31 励志文章
[摘要]在新的时代里,一次次新的独立,那就象征着一次次新的成功。下面是小编为大家精心整理的文章,希望对大家有所帮助。关于独立的英语作文When we talk about being independent,




  When we talk about being independent, we often think about leaving our parents and living alone. The mental independence is always ignored by people, mental independence means the person can measure the things and make the right decision. As for the children, even they move out and stay far away from their parents, but sometimes they just can't control themselves, they will get the bad behavior, like smoking and drinking, their life is losing control. The young people need to cultivate their independent spirit, they should think by themselves, learn to take care of the other people, thus they can be the real independent. When a person grows up, they can be strong enough to support their lives and at the same time, they can be mature enough to make their own decision. They can tell what is wrong and what is right.



  These days.my parents and i have talking about whether i should study abroad.I fully understand the parents to send me abroad for my good.But I really do not want to leave home, and I think their standard of spoken language is not enough, I also know that study abroad is very expensive, and now is just a waste of money to go abroad.Mom and Dad just do not understand why I was thinking it? No matter how I say that they ignore me. They say that these are an excuse to go abroad to foreign language will naturally increase, where they also can be given to more friends, what is bad.They said I was a person living abroad can enhance their ability to live independently is conducive to their own development. Also said that the children study in foreign countries have a future. How can I do? Who can help me?



  In every school a “top” crowd sets the pace, while the others follow their lead. Let's say the top crowd decides that it is smart to wear bright red sweaters.Pretty soon everybody is wearing a bright red sweater. There is nothing wrong with that, except the fact that on some people a bright red sweater is extremely unbecoming. The situation can even become dangerous, if the top crowd decides that it is smart to drink or to drive cars at seventy miles an hour.Then the people who follow the lead are endangering their lives. They are like the sheep being led to the butcher.

  Now, chances are that you have come across situations like these more than once in your life; chances are that one time or another you probably did something you knew to be wrong. You may have excused yourself by saying, “Gee, the crowd does it.” Well, let the crowd do it, but don't do it yourself. Learn to say, “No.”

  Develop your own standards and your own judgment. If you know the crowd is planning something you disagree with,have the courage to bow out politely. You'll have the satisfaction of standing on your own two feet.





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