
网络知识 2021-07-13 22:10:52 网络知识
[摘要]A distinctly clear message is revealed in this picture that the Internet is full of false informatio


  A distinctly clear message is revealed in this picture that the Internet is full of false information. With the development of the internet and information technology, it provides more and more conveniences for people to get information. But, some disharmonic factors appeare at the same time. False information is more and more in the Internet. Firstly, in We-media (Owned Media ) era, we are facing a time of highly-informationization and we are living in a world that media outreach everywhere. Netizens have more platforms to express their opinion and release information in Internet freely, which provides fertile soil for the emergence and spread of false information. Secondly, government’s information regulation lagged far behind the development of information technology and did not reach the expected effects.

  在这张图片中一个明显清晰的信息显示,互联上充斥着虚假信息。互联和信息技术的发展,为人们获取信息提供了更多便利。但同时也有一些不和谐因素。虚假信息在互联上越来越多。首先,在自媒体We-media(自媒体Owned Media)时代,我们正面临着高度信息化的时代,我们正生活在一个媒体无处不在的世界里。民在互联上有更多的平台来表达他们的观点和发布信息,这为虚假信息的出现和传播提供了肥沃的土壤。其次,政府的信息监管远远落后于信息技术的发展,并没有达到预期的效果。


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